We’re having the usual “January thaw” here right now. Yesterday it was sunny and warm, up around 50 degrees. I went out for an afternoon walk and saw people running around without jackets. It was a nice little break from the past 4 weeks of cold and snow, and from the next 6 or 7. For those of you old fogies like me who no longer enjoy windy 15 degree mornings (or worse, depending on where you are), and perilous road conditions that linger after a snow or ice storm: here is a reminder of what awaits us in another month or two. Even the most boring and blaze suburban scenes in northern New Jersey look pretty good during those magic months of spring.

Do I see trees beginning to bud?
Now that's a January thaw. A January thaw here is 35 degrees. Trees do not bud in a January thaw in the Midwest.
Comment by MCS — January 17, 2010 @ 12:23 pm