The ramblings of an Eternal Student of Life
. . . still studying and learning how to live

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Personal Reflections ...

OK, regarding the Jets / Colts AFC Playoff game this past Sunday. I was in a bar watching it with a bunch of people, mostly Jets fans. That’s something I haven’t done too much in my life. But now I’ve finally had the true Jets-fan experience. The first half was a lot of whooping and hollering and joyous hope. Lots of fun. Miracle dust was in the air.

But then came the second half, when the Jets shut down and the Colts kicked into gear. Neither the Jets’ offense nor defense could do anything right. It was a heartbreaker; another “miracle that never happens“. Something that long-term Jets fans have become used to.

So, I guess that this was my baptism into true Jetsfan-dom. I’m now a bona fide member of the gang-green community.

◊   posted by Jim G @ 7:33 pm      

  1. Jim,
    I presume the "gang-green" community is akin to the "Cubs fans" or the "Bears fans" here in the Chicago area.

    I'm not, by any stretch of the imagination, a fan of any of sport whatsoever; but having lived here for most of my life, even I can truly relate, as they say.

    Around here it's always "maybe next year" which has become a mantra one expects to hear in this area rather than "we won."

    But those who participate have a sense of being members of a unique community–which is not a bad thing in which to participate.

    Comment by MCS — January 27, 2010 @ 7:24 am

  2. I'm not a sports fan either. I wasn't good at athletics when younger so I wasn't really involved. Perhaps if I had been I would be more emotionally moved by it. I do watch the Superbowl once a year and it gives me an excuse to whip up a pot of 'Willy's Chili'.

    As for that nickname, "Gang Green", it's really horrible. Every time I hear it I have this image in my head of these rotting zombies playing football. :-D :-D

    Comment by Will Doohan — January 29, 2010 @ 7:42 am

  3. Will, that's just what the Jets look like, all too often! (E.g., in the second half of the Colts game).

    Comment by Jim — January 31, 2010 @ 12:22 pm

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